
ASSIGNMENT HELP | SOLUTION: MGMT 405 CC Are the Risks & Goals the Right Type Essay

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Part 1

The definition of going green varies from one person to the next depending on the level and extent to which they wish to carry on a green lifestyle. Some people believe they must jump into a completely green way of living all at once. While the sentiment is a good one, this approach can be problematic.


Since it is virtually impossible to convert to a fully green lifestyle all at once, it’s generally better to make a few changes at a time.

Your Canvas Instructure LMS is a native cloud site which is hosted by Amazon. Canvas can allows you to reduce/eliminate paper and gradually begin going green in your classroom.


  • Open the “Going Green with Canvas” discussion board and share 5-6 additional ways your Canvas LMS can be used in your classroom to make it a little more “green” by conserving energy, saving money, and reducing pollution. (100-150 words)

Part 2



  • Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint, create a one-slide poster presenting information from the sites above and/or your Internet research. You can design your poster using text,  interesting images and graphics, and even educational cartoons.

You can also any additional resources.

Part 3

Business Fundamentals “Political Cartoons”

A cartoon is a drawing, representation or symbol that makes a satirical, witty, or humorous point.  Some may have captions, and some may not.  Some may appear in one panel, while others may fill several panels .  Though cartoons may vary greatly from one to the other, the one common factor is humor.

Political cartoons have their own particular style of humor however, and this style is based on a certain blending of serious topics and humor.  The origin of political cartoons is believed to date back to the 16th century, and from that time on, political satire has been used as an effective means of criticizing the establishment.


  • Search the Internet for 4-6 political cartoons relating to economics.
  • Open Microsoft Office Word and copy and paste each of them into the document.
  • Add comments (25-30 words for each cartoon) that explain the “meaning” the cartoonist is trying to get across
  • Save the file.

Part 4

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods can often come at the least expected time. Others, such as hurricanes and cyclones are increasing in severity and destruction. Typically, the poor are the worst hit for they have the least resources to cope and rebuild.

The death tolls caused by some natural disasters are horrifying. The number of deaths is always the most apparent, dizzying statistic that comes out of disasters, however all kinds of consequences affect the us after a disaster strikes.

Another detrimental aspect of natural disasters is the major financial difficulty they leave behind. Throughout history, natural disasters have caused depreciation (and even appreciation) of currency because of a jolted economy.


  • Using the Internet, research current day economic struggles such as devastating hurricanes, earthquakes, or oil spills, bank crashes, mortgage crashes, and so forth.
  • Create a 125-150 word summary of the effects the natural disasters you researched have/had on the economy.

Part 5

First Impressions Last

The caller receives an impression within the first few seconds of the telephone being answered and that impression is essential to the future relationship that you have with either the individual or their organization. So it is critical to get it right and make sure that the first impression is a positive one. As Dale Carnegie says: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”

Whenever we speak to someone on the telephone, we build a mental picture of the person determined solely by what we hear from the telephone earpiece.


The students will:

  • Research telephone voice quality and proper business telephone procedures.
  • Develop a Telephone Checklist (7-10 items) to evaluate business telephone techniques.
  • Open the “Business Fundamentals “Telephone Checklist” discussion board.
  • Copy and paste the Telephone Checklist into the discussion board text box.
  • Use the Canvas Rich Content Editor audio recorder and record an appropriate (30 sec.–1 min.) telephone greeting—say the name of the business, and offer assistance to the customer.


Part 6

Management Essentials “Graffiti Wall”

The Graffiti Wall technique provides an opportunity for students to decorate a wall or space with graphics/pictures that represent what they understand about a topic.


  • Open the Management Essentials curriculum (Provided in Assignment 2 above).
  • Review the Unit 2: Information Management materials (pages 8-11).
  • Use Microsoft Office PowerPoint to create two slides which will be used for your two “Graffiti Walls.”
  • Use one PowerPoint slide to create your “Graffiti Wall” to determine what you already knew about “Information.Management” before your review of Unit 2.
  • After the review of the unit, add a second PowerPoint slide to create a second “Graffiti Wall” to represent what you have learned.
    • Use an appropriate background for the walls.
    • The slides should contain appropriate graffiti, text, and graphics.


Part 7

  • Select an item you would like to purchase and locate an online business that sells the item.
  • Use the site to simulate the selection and purchase of the chosen item
  • Review the site’s features including ease of use, product selection, price, and design.
    • Be sure to determine whether the Right Marketing Mix  download (principles of price, product, place, and promotion) was used
  • Using Microsoft Office Word, create a one-page report presenting the information your research found.

Part 8


Management Fundamentals “Basic Business Letter Writing”

The questions is asked, “Why is writing important?” The answer, truthfully, is that no one is exempt from writing. No matter how you hate to write, it is mandatory that some point in your life, you have to do some type of writing; whether it is writing a letter, writing a report, writing a resume and cover letter or just ordinary letter writing, you are succumbed to the laborious task of thinking or letting your thoughts flow from your mind. Writing is obviously inevitable in our lives.

If you have a business and it entails writing a business plan or writing your mission statement, it will require some of your input even if you are not the one that puts pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. It is safe to say that everyone has some form of writing abilities but everyone can improve those abilities. .


  • Open the Online Writing Lab  (Links to an external site.)at Purdue University and review the Writing the Basic Business Letter section.
  • Using the Purdue Online Writing Lab and any other research of your choice, create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation that can be used to teach Basic Business Letter Writing skills.
  • Be sure to include:
    • an attractive style and appropriate color choices.
    • the basic parts of a letter, formats and fonts, and punctuation.
    • various business letter samples (letter of request, persuasive letter, job offer letter, letter to unsuccessful job applicants, letter of refusal, sales and promotional letters,  and handwritten thank?you note and envelope.)
    • Be sure to provide graphics to further illustrate your research.
  • Save the presentation as “Basic Business Letter Writing.”

Part 9

Management Fundamentals “E-Mail Etiquette”

It is important that whether for business or personal use that you follow the basics of email etiquette. This document covers for you the top tips for email etiquette that everyone needs to be aware of and follow. By doing so you will be a joy to communicate with while being perceived as a caring and intelligent human being.


  • Open Email Etiquette 101 and review the multiple suggestions from sending emails, forwarding emails, email attachments, etc.
  • Open Microsoft Office Word and create an attractive one-page flyer flyer with 10-12 tips on email etiquette. A few appropriate graphics should be used.
  • Save the flyer as “Email Etiquette.”


Part 10

Marketing Essentials “Big Six Functions”

Why do you buy certain products? Is it because they are popular? Because they are priced right? Or, because you just have to have them, no matter what? What you buy is often the result of marketing by the businesses that made and sell the products.


  • Using the links below and the Internet, research “The Big Six Functions of Marketing which include distribution, marketing?information management, pricing, product/service management, promotion, pricing, and selling. Some references also include financing as a function of marketing, and this may be discussed.
  • Create a short 125-150 word summary of your findings and how you can use them in the classroom.


Part 11

Marketing Essentials “What Makes People Buy?”

Customers purchase products based on needs and wants. Rational motives, emotional motives, extensive buying decisions, limited buying decisions and routine buying decisions should also be included. Review “What Makes People Buy” for a more detailed summary.

How well can you categorize why people purchase certain items.


  • Choose 10 products from the Internet.
  • Open Microsoft Office PowerPoint and create a blank slide show.
  • On the first blank slide add an appropriate style
  • Next, divide/split the screen into two halves. Label one side “rational” and the other side “emotional” with either text or graphics.
  • Determine why customers would choose each of the products you chose and why the product would fall into the rational or emotional category.
    • Be able to explain how some products could fall into either category depending on the customer.
  • Place the pictures into a collage by copying/pasting and dragging/dropping the graphics and representations under the correct category side. Text boxes can be added for further explanations.
  • Save the one-slide presentation as “What Makes People Buy?”

Part 12





Sales and Distribution Copyright Wiki

Copyright Infringement – What is it?

Copyright violations can take you to court, damaging your time, money, and reputation.

Before we begin our case study research, let’s start by taking a quick look at copyrights and copyright violation.

Open “Well Known Cases of Copyright Infringement”  (Links to an external site.) and develop a basic understanding of copyrights.

  • Use the case studies below (or others you find on your Internet research) involving copyright violation to become familiar with a several case studies.
  • Choose two or three of the copyright infringement case studies.
  • Analyze and develop ways to prevent breaking copyright rules and regulations. (75-100 words)
  • Go to the Sales and Distribution Copyright Wiki page
  • Click “Edit this Page,” enter your name and then post your findings.

To Get Credit for this Assignment:

  • To get credit begin by putting your name in the first column and then enter your comments in the second column.


Part 13

Free Trade Agreements (FTA) are treaties between two or more countries that allow imports between the countries to receive a complete or partial reduction of normal tariffs.


Research the following free trade agreements.

    • The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) which is the name for the world’s second biggest economic block behind the European Union.
    • Replaced NAFTA
  • Using Microsoft Office Word, discuss the details of the new agreement (USMCA) and prepare an analysis chart (table)  (1-1/2 pages in length) discussing the pros and cons of the other free trade agreements.
  • Save the “Sales and Distribution Trade Agreements” analysis file.
  • Research the following free trade agreements.
  • Using Microsoft Office Word, prepare an analysis chart (table)  (1/2 to 3/4 page in length) discussing the pros and cons of the above free trade agreements.
  • Save the “Sales and Distribution Trade Agreements” analysis file.

Part 14

Legal contracts are binding and there are several different types.

  • Read the “Types of Contracts”  downloadhandout
  • Search the Internet for case studies that involve one or two of the various types of contracts
  • Post your findings to the M10 Business Law Contracts discussion board.


Part 15


1717 unread replies.1717 replies.

Schools encourage the use of technology in curriculums; but students expect and demand it. The Canvas Learning Management software provides teachers with many easy-to-use and incorporate tools. In addition, there are unlimited resources available online.  In this assignment, you are encouraged to investigate and try 2-3 of the Canvas discussion board tools. HINT: don’t forget about using your Canvas Smart Phone App for recording audio and video.

  • Voice discussion boards
  • Video discussion boards
  • Group discussion boards
  • Ungraded discussion boards (complete/incomplete)
  • Graded peer review discussion boards

NOTE: Canvas provided excellent Canvas Guides for the Discussion BoardLinks to an external site.. Be sure to click the “next” button at the bottom of the site for additional information.

Upon completion of your investigation, open the M10 Business Law “Suggested Technology” discussion board and share with your classmates how one of these tools could be incorporated into teaching strategies or assessment strategies. (125-150 words)

Part 16

Use the Internet to research types of investments to include the most common financial investments such as interest-bearing checking accounts, savings accounts, savings bonds, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, mutual funds, treasury investments.

  • Using Microsoft PowerPoint (or other presentation software) create a 10-12 slide presentation which includes graphics to summarize the research.

Part 17


Personal Finance “Khan Academy–Better Money Habits”

Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. They are a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.

All of the site’s resources are available to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy’s materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.

Bank of America and Khan Academy announced in 2013 a financial education collaboration that will provide both bank customers and non-customers alike free, self-paced, easy-to-understand resources to develop better money habits. These resources will be available on a new website, BetterMoneyHabits (Links to an external site.), which will incorporate educational content from Khan Academy and Bank of America and be promoted throughout Bank of America’s vast network.

Bank of America and Khan Academy recognize that no matter where you are starting from, the best way to improve long-term financial success is by changing habits slowly, step by step. The online program allows consumers to learn at their own pace, from a teaching style that is casual and commercial-free.

  • Open the Better Money Habits (Links to an external site.) web site.
  • Read and review the home page.
  • Select the “Saving and Budgeting” option from the menu bar at the top of the page.
  • Review the topics provided and watch the videos available:
    • Seven Ways to Stay Financially Fit
    • Creating a Budget
    • 10 Ways to Earn Extra Cash
    • Options for People Who Do Not Like to Budget (video)
    • How To Set a Budget and Stick to It (video) HINT–click show more button
    • Easy ways to save on everyday expenses
    • Steps to better money habits.
  • After review the site information and watching the available videos, use Microsoft Word to create a one-page student handout you can use as a resource in your classroom when you teach this unit. The well-formatted handout should contain an introduction paragraph, screen captures/graphics, directions for using the web site, and an assignment with a point value assigned.

Part 18

Managing personal finances to achieve financial goals is one of the most important life skills to be learned. Learning by experience in this field can be very expensive.

Even though youth may be employed and receive a salary, they lack the knowledge and ability to make the lifestyle choices necessary for successful money management. Area financial institutions report that many high school graduates do not have adequate training in financial management. They indicated a need for education in the areas of proper check writing, check book balancing, and making appropriate spending decisions. (http://www.joe.org/joe/2003april/tt3.php )

  • Search the Internet:
    • Distinguish the difference between needs and wants.
    • Prepare a list of suggestions in setting financial goal.
    • Offer suggestions on creating a personal budget.

Part 19

Research a brief history of American business.

  • Investigate several major business scandals.
  • Document commonalities and differences among them.
  • Write a set of ethical guidelines or code of ethics guidelines that serve to prevent at least some future breaches of business ethics.
  • Edit your guidelines into a student handout. To make it appeal to students, format it with appropriate fonts, colors, graphics, etc.

Part 20

Research the various professional designations for accountants. (CPA, CMA, ABA, etc.)

  • Using a word processor, write a 1-page summary report that includes the length of the exams, cost of the exams, the pass/fail rates, and the advantages of having the professional designations. Salary ranges, education, and membership associations for the designations should also be included.

Part 21

Educating the Great Entrepreneurs

Can Entrepreneurship be learned?

How can we better support the development of more ultra-successful entrepreneurs?

For years, people have been debating whether entrepreneurship can be learned. It’s also been debated whether entrepreneurs need advanced degrees like MBAs. And finally, there’s always been the debate whether public school or private school (or home schooling) is best to educate and foster the success of future entrepreneurs.

  • Read “Can Entrepreneurship be Learned?” (Links to an external site.) As you read you will review the bios of 100 entrepreneurs and an analysis  Infographic.
  • Choose 5-6 of the entrepreneurs compare and contrast their road to success. Additional searches may be required.
  • Using Microsoft Office Word, create a one-page report on your findings. Be sure to include any helpful web links used.

Part 22

What do expensive coffee, the Erie Canal, and the iPod all have in common? They were the brain children of Entrepreneurship.

  • Research one of the above entrepreneurs and three entrepreneurs of your choice .
  • Create a short 100-150 word summary of the four entrepreneurs’ achievements,.
  • Post the summary of the achievements to the “Entrepreneurship Common Traits” discussion board.

Part 23

Part of creating an international business plan is researching countries. Gather general information on a country. You can include the following:

  • name of the country
  • country’s economic conditions
  • type of government
  • geographic location
  • demographics
  • culture

Feel free to include any additional information you feel will be useful.

Part 24

Research the impact of international business activities on the local, regional, national, and international levels.

  • Create a reflection summary of your findings (100-150 words)

Part 25

Whether you’re new to the financial services business or an experienced veteran, earning one of the many professional designations now available will provide you with a lot of benefits. Increased marketing exposure, credibility and compensation are just some of the advantages offered to those willing to fulfill the rigorous requirements for certification.

  • After researching various business finance professional designations  (e.g. CF, CFA, CCM, CTP, CFM, etc.), explain the differences of each and the significance of each in business finance.
  • Post your findings (approximately 125-150 words) on the Business Finance Designations discussion board.

Part 26

Everything in life is a risk. I dare you. Name one thing which is not a risk in life? Risk is everywhere, so we might as well get used to it. There are degrees of risk, starting at slight risk going all the way to extreme risk, with many points in between. Just as there are degrees of risk, there are different types of risk.

Are You Taking Risks in Life? Are the Risks the Right Type?

As an individual you can practice risk management.

  • Define your personal goal for three (3) of the following categories. (career, financial, educational, health and fitness, leisure time, and community involvement)
  • Develop a plan for one (1) that includes deadlines
    • why the goal is important
    • potential risk you may face
    • what you can do to avoid or reduce their negative impact on your goal.

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