
SOLUTION: Kaplan University HIT Experience Discussion

University of West Georgia SH Lee Foundation Grant Proposal Project

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InstructionsPART 1:S.H. LEE FOUNDATIONGrant Proposal GuidelineS.H. Lee Foundation invites your proposal. Our annual deadline for proposals is Dec 1st. We support all activities and ideas that improve human life. In particular, we welcome an innovative approach for addressing social and community problems. When you apply for the grant, please consider all the requirements below. The format requirement is flexible but you should provide the required information below as clearly as possible. Length: 9 ~ 12 pages (single-spaced, 1 inch margin, and Time New Roman 12)Organizational background (1.5 page)What does you organization do? Please describe the mission and history of the organization. Describe what your organization produces, presents, and/or provides. Also, explain the most important challenges and successes of your organization. (If you are not affiliated with any organization but intend to create a new nonprofit organization in the future, describe what your organization will do and what legal status you intend, for example, 501 (C) 3.)Also, provide a list of names and titles for key staff and board members.Need/problem statement (1.5 page)What is the problem or need you want to address? The need, problem or situation that readily exists, which your organization or project seeks to address. Tip: describe the situation “as is” without saying what your program does to address the situation. For example: children can’t read at the level they should (versus – we teach children to read better), people are hungry and lack access to nutritional food (versus – we need to feed people). The need should be relevant to the population your program serves. Include and cite statistics, facts, references, and stories to support your claims.Project/program description (3 pages)Who will be served and what will be accomplished? Who is your audience? How many people do you serve? How does your organization add value to the larger community? How, where, and with whom do you collaborate? How does your request demonstrate success?Population: The persons, neighborhood, environment, or entity that your program seeks to serve or affect — e.g. how many, gender, ages, grade-level, location, income level, academic background, family situation, personal barriers or challenges. Tip: try to go beyond basic demographics and paint a picture so as to demonstrate that a need or problem exists; one that requires the help of your program.Proposed Outcomes/Results (refer to Logic Model): The benefits, changes or improvements that will result from your implemented program or project; i.e. how the population you serve will be impacted or change. If possible, state quantitative measures or data.Benefits (Impact, Long-Term Outcomes): The benefits that will accrue for program participants, the community, or the environment as a result of your program achieving its proposed outcomes. Try to sell the value of your program, and use cost/benefit scenarios whenever possible (e.g., compare project cost to cost of status quo, other approaches, etc). Tip: (1) start with a proposed outcome, (2) add the words “so that,” (3) state the benefit. For example, Participants actively engage in daily exercise for 30 minutes each day (outcome), so that they will increase their metabolism rate over time . . . (benefit)Methods or Activities (refer to the Activities section of Logic Model): How the proposed outcomes will be accomplished, i.e. how the program works in terms of major activities. If necessary, include activity dates or duration, number of participants, staff involved, etc.Evaluation (refer to Logic Model): State the projected level of success of the proposed outcomes, and how the outcomes will be tracked, measured, and evaluated. Consider using a statement and table like the following: “Ongoing and regular program evaluation is important to our organization, which is overseen by [executive director, program director, board of directors]. To the degree possible, evaluation findings are incorporated in our continuous improvement process. Below is a table that, for each proposed outcome, lists the (1) performance target (projected level of success), (2) indicator(s) – the way(s) change is observed and the data collected, (3) methods/tools (how data will be collected or tracked), (4) timeline (when or how often the outcome will be measured) and (5) who (persons or entities) will be responsible for conducting evaluation.”Budget statement (1 page)What is the budget for this initiative?Program or Project Cost: State the overall cost or budget of the program or project for which you are seeking funding.Amount and Use of Grant Request: State the amount of the requested grant, how and when it will be spent.Sources of Funding or Support: List the organization’s current and future means of funding its efforts, including in-kind support. Make sure this section ties to similar information in the grant application, i.e. budget, annual report. “Financial accountability and management are of utmost importance our organization. To that end, we emphasize receiving funding from a diversity of sources, including grants, fees for services, individuals, corporations, and government contracts. Equally, we continuously seek to partner and collaborate with other organizations as a means of sharing costs and conserving resources, as well as avoiding redundancies of service providers. In addition, we recognize the need to avoid being over-reliant upon any one funder or funding source, and that funding from any one grantmaker is time-limited.”Sustainability strategy (1 page)How will you sustain this project and its impact in the future? Explain your strategy in terms of other funding opportunities and collaborators who want to work with you for this project.Cover letter (1 page)Write a cover letter which includes the core information succinctly.For more information, please contact the Grant Officer (the Instructor).PART 2:Instructions ( Please just write it out and I will record it) Now that you have written and submitted a grant proposal to the S.H. Lee Foundation, you will present the proposal to the grant review board. Your presentation should not exceed 10 minutes. Remember you are trying to get your grant approved and be awarded funds.The rubric for the presentation has not been created by the course designer yet. So we will not use any rubric this time. Create a recorded video (about 3 minutes) in which you make a compelling argument/explanation of why the grant is necessary and what impact the grant will bring in. You do not need any ppt presentation or visual material. Just video-record yourself as if you were interviewed in person by the foundation grant evaluator. Your talk will include a brief introduction of your organization, the need, the project, the grant amount, and the impact. Recently many foundation grantors interview potential grantees before they make a final grant decision. So, making a compelling argument orally is another skill that we need in the grant writing process.

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