PROMPT: For this Essay, draw both The Social Dilemma and All the President’s Men to argue whether it is worth jeopardizing mental health and personal security to release compromising information to the public.
Give your essay a creative title that simultaneously grabs your readers attention and gives insight about what to expect to read in your essay. Scholars often accomplish this by having a creative title, followed by a colon, followed by a practical subtitle:
Creative Title: A Practical Subtitle
The Cookies of the Dark Side: An Analysis of Morality in Star Wars
Write the Work Cited on a separate last page. You must cite (and therefore write about) both all the Presidents Men and The Social Dilemma. You may also cite other sources.
o You are also welcome (and encouraged) to quote directly from Konnikova or Field Guide to Lies and other sources weve covered this unit as evidence or explanation of your analysis.
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Get Help Now!All quotes and paraphrases require correct MLA in-text citations,
Provide textual evidence with summary, paraphrases, and quotes (sparingly), but avoid quoting long passages and dont let the quotes do the talking for youonly use quotes as textual evidence that you then analyze. All quotes and paraphrases should be in MLA format. (Consult the MLA section of Little Seagull.)
When necessary, provide brief summary statements to familiarize your readers with the scene under analysis, but do not allow plot summary to outweigh your analysis and evaluation.
Your essay response will be strengthened by careful, close readings of the texts. (The texts in this case refer to the films.) Rely on the text as verification of your own claims and evidence.
Do NOT use second person (you). Try to avoid using first person (I and “we”) as well, but, if you must, use it sparingly.
I expect your essays to demonstrate your understanding of the craft-related advice from Style, the content-related advice from They Say, I Say, and the grammatical concepts from Little Seagull.
Assume you know more about the films and about critical reasoning than your readers. As such, make sure you provide them with enough background and context to understand your argument.
Your introduction should establish context for your argument.
Your thesis statement must make an arguable claim.
The essay will be graded according to the requirements bullet-pointed above and this rubric:
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