Ethical considerations are important to guarantee the safety of research subjects and increase the inclusiveness of research study. To address the drug abuse pandemic in the county, I had introduced a program that will implement interventions for early detection and follow-up services for impacted individuals. Studies have shown that detection and early intervention are the most effective way to help someone with substance abuse problem and prevent exacerbation of condition (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016). Treatments of substance use disorders are cost-effective compared with no treatment, thus treatment plan can include medications, behavioral therapies, and recovery support services (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016). It is evident that additional screening tools during admission and follow-up services after discharge can positively impact the quality and health outcomes of impacted patients.
Potential benefit is the early detection and treatment of individuals with drug use disorders. Individuals can receive appropriate treatment and follow-up for additional services that can help improve overall quality of life and health outcomes. Possible harms can be the possible stigmatization of individuals receiving such follow-up and treatment. People might be reluctant to join such programs because of stigma connected to receiving such treatment. I need to analyze my personal views and beliefs related to drug use disorders and minimize my implicit biases to stereotypes, which can negatively impact the implementation of intervention in my practice setting. A study showed that professionals with more than 20 years of experience granted less importance on ethical values such as respect for the person and confidentiality, especially in primary care (Fernandez-Deito, Longo, & Hoyuelos, 2017). It is essential to be updated with cultural and ethical competencies in dealing with diverse patient population and research planning in any health care setting.
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Get Help Now!Objections might be raised when considering the vulnerable population related to drug use disorders. It is essential to give and receive consent regarding the possible harms and potential benefits of the research study. It is important that the consent be written in a level and language that the participant understands to avoid confusion and pressure to complete the research. The inclusion in the study can bring stigmatization to participants and can potentially affect other aspects in life, but receiving such treatment and follow-up services can possibly improve the quality and health outcomes of participants.
Fernandez-Feito, A., Longo, M., & Hoyuelos, S. (2017). How work setting and job experience affect professional nurses’ values. Retrieved from
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). Facing addiction in America: The Surgeon general’s report on alcohol, drugs, and health. Retrieved from
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