Describe the foundations of public and community health nursing.
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Get Help Now!Scenario
The faculty in your nursing program have asked senior nursing students to create an infographic to improve potential nursing students’ understanding of public and community health nursing. You are a senior nursing student who has just completed your community rotation. You are very excited to share information about the world of public and community health nursing with incoming nursing students.
Prepare an infographic that:
· Explains the scope of the public and community health nurse’s role.
· Describes the importance of public health nursing to the community well-being.
· Illustrates the role of the public health nurse from the 1800s to present day.
· Explains how public health operations work in the local community and state-level health systems.
· Defines settings where nurses address the needs of community-based populations.
· Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the infographic.
· The US Public Health Service
. The Role of Ethics in Public Health Policy
· The American Public Health Association
Deliverable 5 – Public Health Interview Questions
Facilitate public health nursing care through collaboration with resource partners, including dissemination of relevant information.
The preceptor wants to encourage senior nursing students to learn more about how public health nurse professionals collaborate with community-based resource partners. As a senior nursing student, you are asked to interview a public health nurse professional working in a community clinic, the health department, or a program that specifically deals with vulnerable populations.
You will need to prepare interview questions, contact a public health nurse professional to schedule the interview, perform the interview, and prepare a thank you email with a summary of the interview.
Part One – Questions for Interview
Prepare six interview questions that identify:
· The role of the public health nurse professional in the community.
· The populations served by the organization.
· The collaboration that occurs with community-based resource partners.
3. To address the needs of specific populations.
3. To disseminate relevant information to the community.
Part Two – Interview
Conduct an interview with a public health nurse professional by:
· Scheduling the interview
1. Determine how the interview will take place (over the phone, in person, Skype, Google Hangout, or a web-conferencing tool).
1. Determine when the interview will be (date and time).
1. Documenting the responses to the interview questions and include the following contact information:
2. The full name of the public health nurse professional.
2. The name of the organization the public health nurse is employed.
2. Phone number of the organization.
2. Work email address of public health nurse professional.
Part Three – Thank You Email
Prepare a thank you email to the public health nurse professional that:
· Provides the public health nurse professional with two suggested resources for information to support their community.
· Concludes with a thank you statement and summary paragraph of the interview.
· Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the interview questions, interview responses document, and thank you email
Grading Rubric
Six interview questions contain all the criteria: the role of the public health nurse professional, populations served, the collaboration that occurs, to address the needs of specific populations, and to disseminate relevant information.
Documentation of interview contains all the criteria: the role of the public health nurse professional, populations served, the collaboration that occurs, to address the needs of specific populations, and to disseminate relevant information, including contact information.
Provided two suggested resources for information thorough alignment to the needs of the public health nurse professional’s community.
Exemplary thank you statement with comprehensive summary of interview
Provided stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the interview questions, interview responses document, and thank you email.
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