Cultural Health Promotion Project
Cultural diversity refers to the differences among people based upon shared ideology and shared valued sets of beliefs, norms, customs, and meanings evidenced in a way of life. This diversity is expressed in many ways. Diversity in history, beliefs, practices, and opportunities not only exist among the many cultural groups, they typically exist across a wide continuum within the group. Health behaviors are influenced by culture and cultural values as well as socioeconomic status.
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Get Help Now!In this assignment, students will develop a health promotion project for a cultural group living anywhere in the United States. You are to learn as much as you can about the culture norms and patterns and how these norms and patterns influence health practices. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a deeper understanding and sensitivity regarding the role of culture in patients’ lives and in nursing through the examination of a cultural/ethnic group while addressing health promotion strategies and disease prevention.
The project should address the following Aspects of Cultural Assessment:
1. Ethnic/racial identity: How does the group identify itself in terms ethnicity and racial background? What is the range of interaction outside of the cultural group? Are recreational, educational, and other social activities within the ethnic reference group, the wider community, or both?
2. History and Value Orientation: How are values derived? What is the historical experience of the group that may have impacted values?
3. Language-communication process: What is the primary spoken language? What languages are spoken in the home? And by whom? What language is preferred when speaking to outsiders? Do second and third generations in the speak the language of their grandparents?
4. Health Beliefs and Practices: What are the traditional health beliefs? How common are these beliefs and practices within this group? To what extent are folk healing practices and practitioners used?
5. Religious Belief and Spirituality: Discuss religious articles & practices. How is spirituality is defined in the culture? Remember that Religious Beliefs and Spirituality are different concepts.
6. Life cycle events: Which life cycle events are important to the culture? What are the customs associated with births, coming of age, marriage, and death?
7. Nutritional Behavior/Diet: Are there restrictions? Are there common practices?
8. Medical health care access and experience: Is access to care and equality of care an issue for this group? For example, are group members less likely to receive needed care due to system issues such as financial access or provider biases than another group?
Based on the Cultural Assessment Data, the student will design a Cultural Health Promotion Plan:
9. Cultural Health Promotion Plan: Identify a health risk or health problem the project will address. Describe why this is an issue for your chosen target group and how cultural plays a role in the health risk or problem.
10. Health Promotion Strategies/Methods: Based on the health risk/problem identified, describe the strategies/methods that you will implement. Focus on primary and secondary prevention strategies. Refer to Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives. You may access the website at:
11. Project Evaluation Methods: State the outcomes you expect to achieve. State how you will measure/assess the effectiveness of the project.
Complete the paper according to APA 6th Edition Guidelines as a word-processed document.
The paper is limited to a MAXIMUM of Ten (10) pages (including the title page and references pages;NO Abstract is needed for this assignment). Do not exceed the ten-page limit as only ten pages will be read and graded. The paper must be double- spaced using Font Size 12 (including the reference page).
In addition to the paper, each student will prepare a presentation. The presentation will be graded separately – refer to course syllabus. You may use a presentation style of your choice, i.e.. PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. Presentations are limited to 30 minutes.
the assignment consist in TWO homework: 1-the cultural health promotions project; and
2- a PowerPoint presentation of the cultural health
promotion project. (20 slices).
please follow all of my professor instructions (covering the 12 points above).
maximum of ten(10) pages.
plagiarism is not allow (the school use turn it in)
APA 6th format.
I attached the assignment with the highlighted instruction (they are the same instructions, with only the highlighted points).
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