
Care of Populations

NR 442

Genesis Arriola, Julie Brozena, Emebet Demissie, Alondra Hinojosa, Doreen Oloo

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?Heart disease prevalence in the District of Columbia? NAME OF COMMUNITY

Geographic data – post a map of the community that depicts it in context of the county/state/region. Describe the natural/man-made geography (urban, rural, suburban)


Health data – cite 6 health data points from the county health rankings or from a state/local government health report.

Note: Select health rankings that that reflect any high-risk populations from your demographic data (e.g. populations based on age, race/ethnicity, gender). You’ll need to provide the rationale for the selected health data on the next slide)




List the population total


% in poverty,

median income,




age break down


Target Population-alondra

Provide the rationale for the selected health data on this slide. Your rationale should be health statistics that demonstrate that population’s risk factor in that community or evidence that the population is at risk.

Describe the number of people in that target population in the community (use census data or other data sources)


Using the format from the book (pictured at right), create 4 community health diagnoses. The health issues you saw in your assessment section should be the ‘risk of’ piece. Be sure to use critical thinking of the social determinants of health when developing the etiological statement. The etiological statements are the contributing factor (or maybe causative factor if one exists) that lead to the problem. Use the data you identified in the assessment section as the ‘evidenced by’ portion of the diagnosis.

List your diagnoses in order of priority and bold your priority diagnosis.

Provide a rationale for that priority diagnosis. (Note: The remaining sections of the presentation will only relate to the priority diagnosis!)

Planning a community-level intervention for priority diagnosis -julie

address the priority health diagnosis (one intervention per each slide). Include detailed information on the health promotion and/or disease/injury/condition prevention intervention. Be specific about this activity (who, what, when, where, how).

Identify level of prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary)

Identify category from Public Health Intervention Wheel and the level of the population that it impacts (individual people, community-level)

Planning a community-level intervention for priority diagnosis -julie

address the priority health diagnosis (one intervention per each slide). Include detailed information on the health promotion and/or disease/injury/condition prevention intervention. Be specific about this activity (who, what, when, where, how).

Identify level of prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary)

Identify category from Public Health Intervention Wheel and the level of the population that it impacts (individual people, community-level)

Evidence Base-julie

Include 3 citations in APA format which provide the evidence base for this intervention

These citations should be from studies or articles describing a similar intervention such as yours, particularly if the intervention has been tested in your target population


Planning a community-level intervention for priority diagnosis – alondra

Create one long-term outcome goal (again it must be in SMART format). Notes: a long-term goal should be 6-24 months after the intervention, and be a reduction of a negative outcome/behavior or an increase of a positive outcome/behavior

Community involvement in the plan

Describe how the community will be involved with the plan, including Who will you involve? What aspects will they be involved in? How will they be a part of the intervention? What education will they get from the plan?

Create one short-term outcome goal for the plan (it must be in SMART format). Notes: a short-term goal should be immediately-60 days after the intervention has begun. Your goal should be a reduction of a negative outcome/behavior or an increase of a positive outcome/behavior).

Community involvement in the plan

Describe how the community will be involved with the plan, including Who will you involve? What aspects will they be involved in? How will they be a part of the intervention? What education will they get from the plan?

List at least one evaluation strategy for the plan to determine if the goals have been met

Describe how this evaluation strategy will be implemented

Describe who will implement the evaluation strategy

Describe when it will be implemented (should line up with your short and long term goals timeframes)


Community Resources-doreen

Identify two community partners that can help with the intervention. These could be government or non-government organizations, hospitals, non-profits, churches, advocacy groups, etc, but should be an organization that has a presence in that community

Describe evidence is there that this organization will be an adequate and effective partner for your intervention and/or health topic

Identify the specific resources that this partner can bring to bear (e.g. communication, funding, lobbying/advocacy, mobilization of resources, community organizing, logistical [physical or human resource] support)

Display screenshots from the organization’s websites (or a logo or some proof the partner’s existence)

we need five




Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System


Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium


Neptune is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System


Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System


Venus is the second planet from the Sun


Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

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