
Nursing role and scope DQ 13 student reply martha Gomez.

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                  Question #1                                  
The first nursing model is team nursing where nurses are allocated to groups of patients based on certain variables such as lengths of time. A team leader allocates each member of a team different aspects of care for patients hence taking advantage of skill mixes by nurses (Masters, 2017). This model ensures that nurses are allocated to work in areas where their skills are most effective. It is an effective methodology for caring of patients in cases where staffing is adequate.
Primary nursing is the second common model that involves giving comprehensive individualized care by one nurse over a period. Emphasis of primary nursing is continuation of care where one nurse provides services to a small patient within a hospital (Everett & Davidson, 2020). This model is directed towards meeting of the individual needs of patients with the primary nurse communicating with other team members.
Finally, there is progressive patient care which involves giving nursing care to patients placed in units based on need as determined by the degree of illness rather than specificity of their medical conditions (Masters, 2017). This model of nursing is specifically vital in cases where there are inadequacies in nursing staff. However, it can cause poor coordination in case communication is not effective.
Question #2
Interprofessional communication is a critical element in the healthcare as miscommunication is related with poor patient outcomes. One strategy for effective interproffessional communication is ensuring clarity (Rider, 2012). This should include the avoidance of jargons that may result in lack of understanding or misunderstanding from one individual.
Secondly, at least two methods of communication should be used. The use of multiple communication channels is an effective strategy to avoid medical errors. To avoid communication errors, more than one communication method such as verbal and written should be used. Also, formal communication should be preferred to informal messages.
Another effective strategy for interproffessional communication is promotion of mutual respect among members of different professions. Respect ensures a positive environment where shared goals and plans are promoted for responsible decision making (Rider, 2012). These promotes teamwork and effective response to patient’s needs.
Question #3
For members of a healthcare team to effectively communicate in an interproffessional environment, they must demonstrate certain behavior that enhance collaboration. First, they must show respect and professionalism while communicating. Listening keenly to other members of a team without undue interruptions shows that one respects them and their views (Rider, 2012). It is also necessary to acknowledge and understand the viewpoints of others in the team. For example, reaching back and repeating what another team member has said is a good measure of showing acknowledgement.
Also, the thoughts and feelings of others should also be acknowledged when making remarks to ensure that no one is hurt in the process (Masters, 2017). Frustrations may occur in a team due to exhaustion and some members may give up. However, when validated, team members’ feelings become a vital ingredient in building trust and relationships.
There is also a need for cooperation and the assumption of good faith in a team. The use of such words as we, joint and mutual engraves a team spirit. Another factor that promotes team work is shared concerns (Rider, 2012). When dealing with issues, common interest should be the baseline and background should things begin to escalate.
Masters, K. (2017). Patient-centered care and professional nursing practice. Role development in professional nursing practice, 273-278.
Rider, E. (2012). Twelve strategies for effective communication and collaboration in medical teams. BMJ, 325(7359), 45-45.
Everett, B. L., & Davidson, P. M. (2020). Managing approaches to nursing care delivery. Transitions in Nursing: Preparing for Professional Practice, 129-146.

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