
FINM036 Financial Decision Making Assignment

FINM036 Financial Decision Making Assignment

Assessment Task
This assessment requires students to produce an individual report analyzing the performance and operations of a company listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange within a selected sector. A list of companies is provided for students to select from. This assessment represents 50% of the total marks.

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Module Assignment Information

Due date: To be determined- UK semester 2 / overseas assignment due from 1st February 2021 to 31st August 2020

FINM036 Written Assignment

The aim of this assignment is to test students’ knowledge and understanding of key accounting, corporate finance concepts, theories and tools that can be used to critically analyse organisations. It will also test the ability to present non-financial information


You have been asked to write a report to the board of directors of one of the selected companies below as part of the interview process for your first appointment as a Finance Director of a company listed on AIM (which is the Alternative Investment Market for small companies) within the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The board of directors have asked you to write a report about your vision and strategic financial goals for the company.

The companies are within a selected sector of the AIM. Assume that your selected company has ambitions and plans to become a FTSE 100 (the largest UK listed companies) company in the near future.


You need to introduce the company, discuss the product or services, location, turnover, number of employees, etc. The report should be maximum 2,000 words (+/- 10%). Remember you need to make an impression on the board of directors for you to be considered for the critical post of Finance Director.

The essence of this assignment is to test your knowledge and understanding of key accounting and corporate governance concepts, theories and tools and ability to present data in a concise manner.

Additional Guidance

You need to introduce the company, discuss the product or services, location, turnover, number of employees, the contribution of the sector to the UK economy. To analyse, you need to compare the financial data / ratios of your selected company with either a competitor within the sector or the average of the sector.

Part of analysis is the use of theories such as SWOT or PESTEL to explain some issues that your companies may need to overcome. The report should be maximum 2,500 words.

Remember you need to make an impression on the board of directors for you to be considered for the critical post of Finance Director.

Please note that you must select a company from the list below for 2020/21

List of companies to select from for 2020/2021

Section A- 1500 words.
Analyse the performance of your chosen company using relevant financial and non-financial ratios (5 years). Your analysis should include profit ratios, efficiency, liquidity and other ratios that you consider relevant.

Section B 500 words
Critically evaluate the company’s corporate governance compliance and its impact on the brand and reputation as reported in the press (print, online and social media)

Discuss the proposed medium term financial strategies for your selected company to become a FTSE100 company or for your company to become dominant in the industry / sector.

Please note:
If you select a company outside of the list above, you will automatically fail this part of the assignment, unless you get a prior written approval from your tutor.

You can use www.northcote.co.uk, pro-share and the FT to identify companies within their sectoral classifications. It is essential that all sources of information are correctly referenced using the Harvard system.

Word Limits
The word limit for this assignment is 2000 words (+/- 10%)

Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment brief have been met.

Assessment Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes to be addressed through this assignment are:

(a) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and role of the finance professional and how financial control processes impact on the organisation and its stakeholders.

(b) Critically evaluate the impact of the external context on the financial domain, both domestically and internationally.

(c) Identify, critically appraise and analyse the content, relevance and use of key financial accounting information and techniques, both within organisations and by reference to relevant research.

(d) Demonstrate the ability to evaluate critically and communicate effectively the financial performance of an organisation by reference to internal or published financial information.

Assessment Grading Criteria

The marking criteria

Criteria Exceptional 70-100% A- to A+   Good B- to B+ Pass C- to C+ Fail F- to F+
Introduction, presentation and refereeing of the report



Exceptional report. The introduction is exemplary and provides evidence of a complete understanding of the company’s activities. The industry and the company analysed are outline and justified clearly. The significance of the industry and comparative report is presented clearly. There is clear evidence of originality and ability to justify the research effort. Compelling evidence of research.

  6 -6 points

Good: The introduction is relevant and illustrates an attempt to address the assessment requirements. The industry and company are described in detail. The rationale and comparative data is limited. Good rationale, but lacks the details expected to score top marks probably due to general unsupported statements or grammatical / spelling mistakes.

5 to 5 points

Satisfactory: The introduction shows some correlation with the project requirements. There is irrelevant information. The rationale and objectives are not vague. Generally descriptive. There is very limited evidence of research.

1 to 4 points

Fail. The introduction is descriptive and irrelevant. The work lacks clear justification of the report purpose. Industry and company choice are not justified. Limited support for the information given. The student selected a company not on the list without approval

Application of the theories underpinning the report


16to 20 points

Exceptional. A clear demonstration of complete grasp of knowledge of the key factors that drive performance in the chosen company and the industry in general. Critical relevant theories are identified such as the application of PESTEL or any other competition or management theories to support your argument must apply and critically appraise the theories. Industry examples and published literature are used to develop a logical case on the relevance of the sector, its importance and some key financial indicators such as the GDP contribution of the sector or contribution to the country’s economy over the past five years.


Theories such as the SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) within the sector or PEST analysis (Political, economic, social and technological) impact of the industry or sector

  13 to 15 points

Good: The analysis demonstrates adequate knowledge of a fair range of the factors that affect company performance. There is intermittent evidence of an appreciation of the significance of the factors to the industry being analysed. Critical success factors are outlined. Some examples and limited literature are used. Contributions of the sector to the county’s economy may be missing

10 to 12 points

Satisfactory: The analysis is largely descriptive and narrative with little evidence of analysis. There is no clear evaluation of how the identified factors affect the selected company. Critical success factors are vague. Limited evidence of research. Lack of concrete supporting evidence

1 to 9 points

Fail: The analysis is not linked to the company. The analysis is descriptive and generally irrelevant to the company. Critical success factors are not clear or missing. No relevant examples are presented. Little evidence of research

The student selected a company not on the list without approval.

Depth of research including the use of appropriate ratios / explained


22 to 30 points

Exceptional. The selected financial ratios are clearly justified within the context of the industry being analysed. Selected financial ratios for the past five years are shown and clearly presented and labelled in appendices. Comparison to the competitors financial and non-financial data or the sector figures. The use of examples and published literature to justify choice of ratios is compelling. The interpretation of financial ratios and their importance demonstrates complete grasp of knowledge. Relevant examples and references used in discussion

  18 to 21 points

Good: Financial ratios are selected and outlined clearly. Most of the financial ratios for the past five years are presented in appendices. The interpretation and justification of financial ratios lack consistency. There is intermittent evidence of an understanding of the significance of the financial ratios. Some examples and references are used in discussion.

15 to 17 points

Satisfactory: Financial ratios are stated but not clearly justified. Incomplete financial ratios for the past five years are presented in appendices. A basic argument is evident but lacks clarity and coherence. Limited examples and references used in discussion

1 to 14 points

Fail: Financial ratios are defined and described with no justification. Financial ratios for the past five years are incomplete or missing. Insufficient evidence of knowledge and research. No examples and lack of cited published work.

The student selected a company not on the list without approval

Formulation of an effective summary of key issues

and potential actions/ changes


22 to 30 points

Exceptional. The report summarises the key elements and brings out the compelling reasons why potential investors and other stakeholders should be keen to invest in the company.


The strategic direction (Explain the Strategy) of the company and key advice on competitor’s analysis and the future of the company when compared to other sectors within the economy.


The main CG rules (of the company and its quality expectations within the industry) and the analysis of the company’s compliance with corporate governance rules such as rules on diversity, effectiveness, control, directors’ attendance at board meetings


The arguments are logical and backed up with supporting evidenced that are within the report. Exceptional comparisons with competitors and advantages are enumerated and clearly stated including plan for future financial strategy for the company.

  18 to 21 points

Good: A good attempt to construct a coherent and logical discussion of the relevant issues. The report shows some relevance and justification but does not give details on corporate governance compliance by the selected company


There is a lack of focus and consistency in the discussion. There is tendency to narrate and lacks analysis. Some examples and limited literature are used.

15 to 17 points

Satisfactory: Basic understanding of the report is understood, but lacks coherent and logical flow of the discussion. Some of the analysis are not customised to the selected company or comparison made to the industry.


Very descriptive outline of company. Limited analysis with no links to industry. No or limited CG compliance issue

1 to 14 points

Fail. Intermittent and vague description of the report requirements and their impact on the industry. The writing rarely goes beyond simplifying paraphrase on the essential elements of the requirements of the report without adequate justification or any convincing demonstration of essence of the report


No discussion of CG rules or application of the rules to the selected company



7 to 10 points

Excellent. The conclusion is a summative review of the report. The evaluation is compelling, interpretation is accurate and the discourse is clear. Citation and referencing is accurate, up-to-date and well presented.

Justification for appointment into the FD role.




  6 to 6 points

Good:. The conclusion is a good review of the report. The discussion is clear and orderly. Citation and referencing is clear throughout. No details on the justification for the post




5 to 5 points

Satisfactory: The conclusion is descriptive and lacks analysis and critical evaluation. Citation and referencing is good in some parts. Lacks the reason for the appointment as FD




1 to 4 points

Fail: The conclusion show a lack of understanding of the report requirement and material presented in the document. Conclusion has some information that is irrelevant to the report. Citation and referencing is incorrect / missing in most parts

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