
ESSAY HELP | Enhancing Student Learning, Essay Example


The need to focus on the holistic learning has been voiced for long. Over the last few decades numerous changesaimed at improving the learning experience, have been made by the learning institutionsfound that there has been a significant shift from structural to learning paradigm in higher education.Nowadays the focus is more on student learning and how the institution should help the student learn and not how institution should teach.  The shift is attributed to the fact the challenges of the 21st century are different. Educational institutions are thus, under pressure to prepare the current and future generation for an ever expanding workplace. Some of the changes and programs introduced have recorded a significance success while others have failed to improve the student learning. This paper highlights on some of the educational practices that are usually effective in enhancing student learning. In particular, the paper highlights some of the features of effective education practice. It also discusses how student can be encouraged to participate in some of this practice.

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When the student thinks within the context of the courses, they take ownership of the most basic principle and concepts within the subjects. To teach a subject well, a student must master the art of thinking that defines that subject. The learners must first master the fundamental concepts and principle before learning more advanced concepts. The class time should thus focus on helping the student to grasp the foundational activities. The responsibility of the tutor is to design activities and assignment that requires the learners to think actively within the concept and the principle of that subject.

Effective educational practices are marked by the following condition. First, they demand that a student dedicate a considerable amount of time and effort to purposeful tasks. Most of this practice requires student to make daily decision to deepen their investment inthis activities, as well as a commitment to academic programs. Secondly,the nature of these high impact activities places student in circumstance that demand interaction with their peers, about substantive matters over an extended period. For instance, student research and collaborative assignment that are problem based in the context of the course set the stage for development of essential relationship with other persons in schools i.e., tutors, staff member, supervisors and other student. This practice put the student in a company of peers, mentors, and advisors who are intellectual interested and are committed to student success.

Thirdly, when a student participates in one or more of these activity they increase the likelihood that they will experience diversity through contacts with different people.  Studying abroad, learning communities, and internship are some of the natural venues for this to happen. According to Harris, (2011, June 19), the impact of this experience is that, they assist the student to develop the new way of thinking and responding to circumstances as they work side by side with peers on practical and intellectual tasks.

The fourth feature is that, the high impact activity allow student to get feedback about their performance. Having a paper checked by peers, working with the faculty member on the research or getting one’s performance evaluated by internship supervisor, provide an opportunity for a student to get formal or informal feedback. Again when the student participates in this activity, they get the chance to see how what they have learned work in different setting. Engaging I one or more activity appropriately infuse an opportunity for the student to connect with others. Finally getting involved in activities such as study abroad or conducting a research with the faculty member can be life changing. Such experiences deepen learning and brings one value and belief into awareness. This helps the student develop the ability to take the measure of events and put them in perspective.  As a result, the student understands them self-better and acquires the intellectual tool to act with confidence while carrying out different tasks(Baxter and Marcia 120).

According to George and Elizabeth (130), one of the challenges facing the learning institution today is how to enhance student engagement and increase their success.  This can be achieved if education institutions make the high impact educational practice available to the student. This must be effectively and efficiently done if we are to increase the number of students that acquire skills and competence that are demanded by the challenges of the 21st century.

Some of the factors that support student success include academic advising and support from family and friends(Harris). Academic advising when done well it help the student develop and act on meaningful educational plans. It also contributes to the institutional teaching and learning missions. Date from research has indicated that student frequent contact with the advisor result to gains in personal and social development, practical competence, and general education. Again it is desirable that the parents, friends, relative provide advice and support to the student. However, research has indicated that too much contact with the friends and family member inhibit learning and development in students. Another student behavior that is associated with student success is the time that a student devotes academic activityData from research has indicated that student that are expected to perform well spend about 20% of their time preparing for the class and are expected to be involved in co curricular activity. Technology too can be used to enhance learning. Harris, S., &Dressner, J. (2011, September 15) found that when more technology is used in teaching it raises the quality of class discussion and involve the student more deeply in learning.


To enhance student engagement and increase their success student should be able to participate in at least two high impact activities. As emphasized earlier engaging student in high impact activity must be done well. The learning institution should scale up these activities such that everybody has a chance to participate.According to future vision opinion, The use of technology tools such as videoconferencing improve the quality of learning and make student to be more focused student.However, more information is needed about the structural features and whether the certain type of student is most likely to take advantage of the and how the benefit from this activity.

Works Cited

Baxter, Martins and Marcia Bruce. Knowing and Reasoning in Colleage: Gender-Related Patterns in Students’ Intellectual Development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

George Davids., and Elizabeth, Alicia.Involving Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Future vision. (n.d.). Microsoft Office. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from https://www.microsoft.com/office/vision/

Harris, R. (2011, June 19). A military education. The New York Times. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/video/education/100000000870304/a-military-education.html

Harris, R. (2011, September 2). Learning begins at home. The New York Times. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/video/education/100000001024995/learning-begins-at-home.html

Harris, S., &Dressner, J. (2011, September 15). An education. The New York Times. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/video/magazine/100000001040165/an-education.html

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