Assignment Description
Power in Organizations
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Get Help Now!Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience.
· If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes collective bargaining and describe how it works within an organization.
Have you ever worked in a healthcare facility that had Magnet accreditation, or had experience with shared governance? If so, share your experience.
· If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes shared governance and explain how it could be implemented in your current facility.
Assignment Expectations:
Length: 1000 – 1250 words
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.
References: Use appropriate APA 7 style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. At least three (3) scholarly sources should be utilized in this assignment.
Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf)
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